

Yes You Can Help Us!

Hi, and thank you for coming to our site. We've built this site in hopes it brings some attention where it belongs. This is a story of the small town of Nekoosa, WI., and some very strong young kids that live there. RARE CANCER, A COINCEDENCE? I think not! This is not the norm! I mean 4 kids in 3 years living in the same small community of 2,500 people. This is certainly no coincedence. This town needs our help. Isn't it a special feeling to know that we can make a difference? Think about these kids as if they were your own. Brings new meaning to this situation when one looks at it in that light doesn't it? These kids are strong! We now need to be strong for them and unite. We as a whole can make a statement, open some eyes, and possibly encourage the right people to finally do the right thing. Nekoosa, and these young children deserve the best. Families in Nekoosa shouldn't have to have these environmental worries! I pray that we can all make a difference. So please add your thoughts to our message board, AND MAKE THAT DIFFERENCE! Remember each and every signature in our message board is one more step towards helping Stacy, Brandon, Erin & Casey endure this unfortunate rare illness. It's very odd isn't it? How? Why? What can we do? When will we get the help we need? These are some very good questions, lets get them answered. Soon before more of our kids are affected. © Thank you, Kirin

Erins' Site

Words of Encouragement for Erin

She needs us please visit this site!

Stacy's Place

Brandons' Pad

(New pages for Erin, Stacy and Brandon designed by an ANGEL named Snickelfritz)

What is Osteosarcoma?

* The following sites will help you understand osteosarcoma, they may be graphic!

E-mail us with any helpful information. Thank you.

We can make a difference! Please read and add some thoughts in our Messageboard.

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